Arka Yojith – white onion variety developed for dehydration
Onion is consumed daily, in every house as a condiment for flavoring salads, pickles, biryani, fried rice etc. In present days customers are more attracted towards instant foods, instant mixes, spices etc. Onion based products have wide applications in food processing as well as many other industries. The demand for the processed products is increasing day by day due to its convenience to handle and use particularly dehydrated onion. In dehydration, the fresh material is dried to residual moisture by physical removal of water by hot air drying. This reduces the bulk and due to the light weight restraints from heavy freight charges which is economical on commercial scale. The dried material can rehydrate by using water. There is a scope for exporting dehydrated onions as many processing units under export-oriented unit schemes have been installed in India. Onion processors source raw materials for dehydration from open markets which lack uniformity, quality and are low in dry matter content and total soluble solids. White onions are preferred over red and other colour onion as the product quality and storage quality is superior to other colour onion.
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