ICAR JRF Entomology and Nematology Mock Test 2024 (Topic Wise)

999.00 199.00
Expiry : 365 Days
Exams : ICAR PG Entomology & Nematology (TW) MT-9 Host Plant Resistance, Novel Approach, and Bio control | ICAR PG Entomology & Nematology (TW) MT-8 Non Insect Pest like Rodents, Mites and Others (Except- Thrips) | ICAR PG Entomology & Nematology (TW) MT-7 Nematology | ICAR PG Entomology & Nematology (TW) MT-6 Stored Grain Pests, Pests of Medical and Veterinary Importance, Pant Disease Vectors and Beneficial Insects | ICAR PG Entomology & Nematology (TW) MT-5 Pests of Field Crops and Horticultural Crops | ICAR PG Entomology & Nematology (TW) MT-4 Toxicology | ICAR PG Entomology & Nematology (TW) MT-3 Ecology Integrated Pest Management | ICAR PG Entomology & Nematology (TW) MT-2 Apiculture Sericulture Lac Culture and Mites | ICAR PG Entomology & Nematology (TW) MT-1 Insect Systematic, Insect Morphology and Physiology |

Product Description

Read carefully-
1. Entomology & Nematology Mock Test series 2024 (Topic wise)
2. Total number of mock test: 08 (Based on each Topic)
3. Total number of questions in each test series-120 MCQ based on New Pattern of ICAR PG which composed of Statement type Q, Matching, More than 1 option, multiple choice questions, assertion and reasoning type question.

4. Test covering syllabus as per schedule- https://agriicarjrf.com/schedule/
5. Test will be conducted as per scheduled date.
6. If you have any query you can send message to or whats app on +91 9318406128.
7. User can also pay by paytm or phone number to our number 9318406128 and after payment whats app the screen shot of payment then admin will add package to your account.

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